Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tips for fridge-Googling (or any other Googling!)

Smaller number of ingredients

I have noticed that a lot of people are keying long lists of ingredients into the Fridge-Googling recipe search engine. When you are using a search engine, it IS always better to be precise - you are more likely to find exactly what you are looking for.

But this example of a recent search:

2 eggs lettuce cucumbers avacado shredded cheese tortillas cauliflower oranges bananas miracle whip salad dressings pickles relish milk bell peppers probably a little TOO detailed! (by the way, it's avOcado) You may end up with NO recipe results with that one (especially if you spell something wrongly) - and when did you last cook anything with that many ingredients, anyway?!

Try a smaller selection of ingredients initially - I am envious you have that much food in your refrigerator! Then you can narrow it down by adding extra ingredients once you see you are on the right track.

Exclude certain ingredients

If some of the recipes that are coming up in the results include ingredients that you do not have in your fridge, you can add them to the search box too, but put a minus (-) before the name of that food item and this food will be excluded from the results.

eggs tomato cheese -ham

will give you all those recipes which contain eggs, tomato, cheese, but not ham! Because you don't have that in your fridge!

Clever huh! Happy fridge-Googling and happy cooking!

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